I attended the forum organized by the DHA to discuss opportunities in healthcare investment in Dubai, its future vision and ambitions to increase investment in the sector from international investors and business owners in the healthcare field.
The big take away for me was the “Certificate of Needs”, echoing what I had heard at the Abu Dhabi health sector event a few months ago. In short, the main point of the certificate will be to find the balance between demand and supply, while continuously working to provide the best streamlined services and procedures in the Emirate.
The second takeaway is the shift towards a primary care first approach for the Emirate, again following the strategy outlined in Abu Dhabi. Currently, if you have a headache you can book an appointment with neurologist! The new model will be like the NHS where you will see your primary care first, then if needed you can be referred to a specialist, giving specialist more time to focus on what they do best and increasing turnover for GPs.