What line of business are you in?
Canford manufactures products to service the broadcast and audio visual markets. Products range from cables, mains distribution units and a huge range of over 15,000 items that are used in the installation of studios, theatres, OB trucks and much more..
Why have you chosen to expand to the UAE?
Based on customer feedback they would like to see a Canford representative resident in the region who can communicate with them almost on a day to day basis.
Please describe the process of deciding to expand/move onshore, and how your company came to chose the BCB.
Canford was advised by UKTI about the BCB initiative and felt that it was an ideal opportunity to test the water before moving to a more permanent solution.
What do foresee for your industry in the coming twelve months?
Given the economic conditions in the Middle East Canford believes that opportunities exist for significant business growth.
What types of clients do you have, who should be contacting you for business?
Primarily Systems Integrators, the companies responsible for the installation of theatres, television studios and stadia.