BCB’s July Newsletter: 10 things to know before setting up a business in the UAE

18 Jul, 2023

Good Morning

Over the last month or so we have created a series of articles – 10 things to know before setting up a business in the UAE – to help British companies of all shapes & sizes and all sectors better understand some of the key issues around doing business in the UAE, particularly if you are looking to establish a company here.

As we touch on in a number of these blogs, things can & do change here much more quickly than you might be used to working in the UK so, for example, our overview on the introduction of Corporate Income Tax was literally made on the hoof in response to new laws and guidance being issued last month by the Federal Tax Authority.

We will endeavour to keep you updated in future as things continue to evolve and we also outline other sources of help & information that you might tap into as a UK company if you’re considering your options to export and expand here.

PropertybankingvisasVAT….the full series is listed below and we’d welcome your feedback on these and, indeed, if there’s an area that you think we’ve missed and you would like to see covered.  As a keen cricketer, I’m always happy to do things in sets of eleven rather than ten.

Otherwise, I hope this gives you some good summer reading and do please get in touch if you need our help at any time.



10 things to know before setting up a business in the UAE series..
– I: Demystifying the UAE Trade Licence: What Companies Need to Know
– II: Emiratisation drive – acting locally, thinking globally
– III: An Overview of the UAE Visa Types
– IV. Understanding VAT in the UAE
– V(a): Corporate Income Tax in the UAE
– V(b): UAE Corporate Income Tax – Companies and SMEs operating in free zones
– V(c): Corporate Income Tax in the UAE: Impact on UK Businesses


VI: Banking in the UAE

Challenger banks are starting to emerge in the UAE, with some marketing themselves as 100% online. Learn more on banking requirements & the role challenger banks play.

VII: Business Setup in the UAE and getting a premises for your company

Cities like London, New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong, & Singapore generally have higher office rent prices than Dubai. Find out how the BCB could help you get setup in the region.

VIII: Navigating Business Culture in the UAE: Insights for Success

The business culture in the UAE is a unique blend of traditional Arab customs & modern business practices. Learn more on why embracing local customs & more are key to business success in the UAE.

IX: Expanding Horizons – Associations and Business Support Networks for UK Companies in the UAE

Associations & business support networks play a vital role in easing the transition of UK companies into the UAE. Find out who they are & what they offer.

X: The UAE – Prime Location and Gateway to the MENASA Region

The UAE has invested significantly in building a number of key infrastructures including airports, seaports, roads, and rail networks. Find out why companies are expanding to the UAE.